Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Just when I finally found the light
A light I can look up to
It is just sometimes I wish I could reach your light
always, always reaching your light
Even how far I stretch it, it is always the same
I stay here
You look so far away
but I love you
Always have
Always will be

Friday, August 14, 2009

Vent these Feelings Away

There just comes a time when you want to scream at someone's face. For me, that time is now. I want to scream at somebody whoever crosses me. I just don't know how to vent these feeling away. I have been sleeping nonstop hoping this feeling would go away. I ate chocolates but once I finished it, the feeling would come back. I need something permanent. Like a corkscrew that would block these feelings away.

I feel like something somewhere is eating me away...