Monday, May 24, 2010


I can't put into words how disappointed I am right now. It just made my good day turn into a very bad day.

I woke up in the morning and noticed that today is not as hot as these past few days. I thought to myself that summer will soon be over. I went out of my room and down to the kitchen to do my usual routine every morning which is to clean up the messes made last night, put the dished back where it belongs and make ice. When I went down, my mom was already awake and did most of the things I intend to do so instead I made the ice. Once done, I took my seat in front of the TV and watch.

While watching, I saw our cable provider's(SkyCable) ad last Saturday. They were giving out free 2 tickets to Prince of Persia for this Friday for the first 80 subscribers who would call. I called last Saturday and inquired if those tickets were still available. They told me they were so the agent told me that they already reserved me the tickets. She also told me that They will call again to give me the details to when and how it can be claimed. I said ok and waited.

Tuesday came and still no call. I was passing the time until 10am because it was the time when the people responsible for the freebies start or whatever. I called and wanted to inquire when can I claim the tickets. The agent I am speaking with told me that they would call me again for around 10-15mins. So I waited. Good thing, they really did call me back. The agent I am speaking with told me that the tickets were no longer available. I was not able to reserve the tickets and they already ran out of tickets to give. I was so pissed off ! The agent I spoke to told me she already reserved the tickets for me last Saturday and now this other agent is telling me I did not. Of course, I will not go down without a fight. I asked her now what do we do. It was their error and not mine. She offered me the next premiere movie which is Sex and the City 2 showing in June 2. But then, they still cannot give the ticket so she would call me again when they can give the tickets. I just agreed since I think that would be the best thing she could have offered to me. If they did not call, well, I just have to make a scene again.

I was really patient enough to be calm and all since I sympathize with the call center agents there. It's just that I had my hopes up for this movie and wanted to watch it. They confirmed it and all. Now... There is nothing to watch anymore. I got so disappointed until now.

Anyway, last night I missed making manipulated photos so I did this and this. Which do you think is better?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Two weeks of Bum-tastic Tragedies

I have been actually procrastinating to write this blog since I have been so lazy these past two weeks. I have so much to tell that is why I am lazy to do so. haha.

First of all, I want to tell you my first job experience. It's not actually related to my course. It's more of a seasonal job but it I think I'll consider this my first real job experience. I got my first job in a call center company. Although I told myself I won't end up there... with the harshness of life, I was forced to apply there.

Here in the Philippines, call center is a fast growing trend because it's high paying, easy money and does not actually require a degree. I got a seasonal job for 1-800 (I think this flower shop is quite famous in the States). It was a 2week job. So, for the 1st week we had training and then the following we went to the floor to go live. It was a fun experience especially people I met there and become friends with. If ever you called or ordered flowers from 1-800 for mother's day, maybe you have spoken to me :P

With that, I can now say that a call center job is not for me. Everything we had to say was scripted. Everything was repetitive. On top of that, it was a graveyard shift to accommodate U.S. time frame. I had to be there by 11pm and my shift ends at 10am. I get to arrive home by 11-12pm. I lost my sense of time. I did not even know what day it was. The worst part there is that it is summer. It is so hard to sleep in the afternoon when it is very hot. May be if it was not summer, it would have been better. I also lost weight because of that. So these past two weeks that I have been bumming around, I want to get my weight back and chuck a few extra pounds. It's not good to be too skinny.

Next is that I found a good blogger. I stumbled upon his blog somehow from link of links. I like his way of blogging. It reminds me how I blog. You can go check it out here and these are my two favorite post from him here and here. This is also my first time to promote another fellow blogger. I hope you find him funny and witty.

By the way, to the people who are commenting here I encourage you to comment something about the blog post not just saying random "that's great" or "I like it" then leaving your blog link after. I would really appreciate it. Thanks :D