Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Drive Thru

This is by far the longest LSS I ever had. It keeps playing in my head. When I go home, I have to listen to this song.

What song am I talking about? Casablancas, Santogold (Santi White) and Williams had teamed up to create the song for Converse's centennial "Three Artists, One Song" campaign. Not only is the song great, but also I loved the MTV of this. The whole paper cutout theme is fabulous. You definitely have to watch this, download the song, put it in your player and boom instant party song. Enjoy!

Oh and one more thing, the video is shorter than the music itself so I also embeded the mp3 here so you can also download it. hahaha

my drive thru -


Jeric Bryle Sy Dy said...

ako, may naLSS ako... look at me mom... shining like the sun... hahaha

sly99 said...

>__< bwahahaha