Monday, February 22, 2010

Lazy Noons

One afternoon I was getting sleepy and even before I got to sleep I thought about my childhood days. When I was around 5-10 I hated afternoon naps especially when I was sleeping-over at my cousin's house. Sleeping felt like wasting time when I can play more if I did not sleep. Not only that, drowsiness never really visited me in the afternoons. We would pretend for awhile that we were asleep then when our yayas(nursemaids) goes out of the room, we would play again. We did not even got scared even when our yayas told us we would never grow tall when we grow older. Who wanted to grow tall? Not Me. I was contented in being a kid and being small. My routine was like, get up, play, eat, sleep and that's the end of the day.

Now it feels like afternoon naps are a blessing. Being busy with assignments, thesis, work and other stuffs, naps are one of the things that I look forward the most. I just miss the times where I would spend my time with my cousins when summer time comes. Summers with them are one of the most memorable things I have and cherish. I miss them.

Summer is here and I can feel the heat.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Be Patient

I am in the middle of the school term and so far... I can't say. It is getting harder everyday. Well, I am not liking my philosophy class because there are just too many info to memorize for the next quiz. I don't know how well I'm going to do for the next quiz and I don't know how well I did the last quiz. Let's pray that everything is going to be fine.

Enough about that, let's talk about other things like art updates. As usual, I told you I was busy with thesis and it is now becoming a little tiring. I uploaded some of the things I did for it. If you are following my deviant I uploaded these weeks ago (here and here). And of course, valentines was last week, I had to do a little art for it here. It's really quite simple. I don't have tablet so it has a lot of flaws. I also did a sideline for some people. They wanted me to do a video edit. Compiled, edited and exported in Adobe Premiere and I also used Adobe AfterEffects for some of the effects. Too bad I can't upload it. Well, I'll just keep it for reference. I like these kinds of work.. I like variations too keep me interested.

I still cannot study 3d because of my schedule. When I have the time, I will. I am also planning on changing the banner for this site and again, when the time permits, I will. So many things to do, so little time. Bear with me.

I'm a free-lace artist. If you like my art, you can contact me through my gmail which is: or reply here in my blog. :D

Monday, February 1, 2010


Oh my. I did not notice that my last blog entry was before Christmas. I was supposed to write a blog entry around new year but I got lazy. New year passed by and valentines is just around the corner (and Chinese new year which is also the same day as valentines).

I have been busy with school stuffs, thesis and other things. I also got hooked with Glee. I watched the first episode i think around 2nd week of January and I love it. I did Glee marathon the next week. I can't wait for the next episodes of Glee and Gossip Girl.

I don't have new projects except the tribal art I did which was week ago. Visit here and here. It is my first time to do vector art in Illustrator so don;t expect too much and they are more of tattoo designs. Thesis keeps me occupied recently. I am thinking of learning 3d in 3ds Max. I will keep you updated as often as possible but since there is nothing much going on with my life right now there are no interesting things to write. So, until next time.