First of all, I want to tell you my first job experience. It's not actually related to my course. It's more of a seasonal job but it I think I'll consider this my first real job experience. I got my first job in a call center company. Although I told myself I won't end up there... with the harshness of life, I was forced to apply there.
Here in the Philippines, call center is a fast growing trend because it's high paying, easy money and does not actually require a degree. I got a seasonal job for 1-800 (I think this flower shop is quite famous in the States). It was a 2week job. So, for the 1st week we had training and then the following we went to the floor to go live. It was a fun experience especially people I met there and become friends with. If ever you called or ordered flowers from 1-800 for mother's day, maybe you have spoken to me :P
With that, I can now say that a call center job is not for me. Everything we had to say was scripted. Everything was repetitive. On top of that, it was a graveyard shift to accommodate U.S. time frame. I had to be there by 11pm and my shift ends at 10am. I get to arrive home by 11-12pm. I lost my sense of time. I did not even know what day it was. The worst part there is that it is summer. It is so hard to sleep in the afternoon when it is very hot. May be if it was not summer, it would have been better. I also lost weight because of that. So these past two weeks that I have been bumming around, I want to get my weight back and chuck a few extra pounds. It's not good to be too skinny.
Next is that I found a good blogger. I stumbled upon his blog somehow from link of links. I like his way of blogging. It reminds me how I blog. You can go check it out here and these are my two favorite post from him here and here. This is also my first time to promote another fellow blogger. I hope you find him funny and witty.
By the way, to the people who are commenting here I encourage you to comment something about the blog post not just saying random "that's great" or "I like it" then leaving your blog link after. I would really appreciate it. Thanks :D
A job's a job as long as you get paid for it ;)
I work in a pizza place.
I wish I had your problem. ( I need to lose some weight :P )
also, thanks for the link to that blog, found it interesting :)
I know. I should not be the one to complain... I should be thankful that I was employed for the summer. My main motivation was the money anyways.
it's good that you liked the blog. I really liked it so I thought I should share it too. :)
I wish I had your problem &_&
thanks for the link to that blog, found it interesting ^_^
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