Saturday, June 5, 2010

Schools to Teeth

First week of school started last week. As always, 1st day is always a pain. It's not that I don't like going to school, it's just a pain. You know what I mean?

It is my third day on pain killers. Why? Well, my last wisdom tooth is growing. Well, I think it is the last and hopefully it is. My mom told me that when I was a baby, I used to have fevers if my teeth are growing. That explains the pain I am feeling right now. It's really not so bad unless I start eating lunch and dinner. I feel so old right now since I can't munch on my food so I choose foods that are really easy to bite and swallow. The worst feeling is when you get up in the morning. Sometimes, it just hurts so much that I wake up because of it.

So much for wanting to gain some weight for the past two weeks. My friends told me I look more haggard and thin since they last saw me. I also can't eat too much sold foods since my tooth hurts. How can I gain some weight???

BTW, if you're wondering what happened to my last post, well, I did not get any tickets. I know, it sucks. Sex and the City is not my thing anyways. But, oh well. I'm still pissed whenever I remember it.

that's it for now. Hope when your wisdom tooth grows, you don;t feel the pain I am feeling right now. haha. Smile :)

1 comment:

Angel♥Lane said...

Wow, if you're in high school, your school starts really early. We don't start till mid August.
And I feel your pain with the whole wisdom tooth thing. Mine just came in. Sorry that it hurts you :( Hope you feel better.

P.S. check out my blog. We discuss many toopics that you might feel the need to participate in. And tell your friends. And, hey, if you find my blog boring, help me out and tell me what I could do to make it better.

Rejects, Gamma, Gamma, Alpha, Beta, Delta, Pi.

~~Rejects of the school