When you graduate, you work. For those who do not work as soon as they graduate, they either take their time before they do or they study again. Well, in my case I have to work. I want to study, a masters degree perhaps? But maybe I'll do it some other time.
When you work, you think about what kind of work you want to do. I took a course that focuses more on educating other people through multimedia. To tell you the truth, I am more concerned about the multimedia than educating other people. I am not much of a fan of education, not that I have something against it. I just don't enjoy it. And because I took a course related to education, I am considering a career in education where I will not enjoy or something in the field of arts but very hard to get through but, undoubtedly, I will enjoy. I do not want to sound whinny... I am just thinking that having a career in education will make me feel safe... And well, perusing what I love (graphic arts) is a risk that I m not sure I am willing to take considering my other circumstances.
Half of me wants to stay at school, being at my comfort zone and half of me wants everything to get this done and over with.
I remembered when I was 12 or so, I sometimes stop and ponder on little things like the future. That when I close my eyes now then I open them again I'll be 20. Almost ten years has passed most of the things changed, you'll never believe it when I say I still do the same thing but instead of opening my eyes then I'll be 20, when I open my eyes I'll be 30. I'll come back to this blog and laugh all about it. Next thing I'll know I'll be 40.
Well, just to make this blog a little lighter, why don't you check out what I have been doing for the past few months. I did all of the in Blender. This is the 3d chess set and the 2nd version I made (link), this is the first one (link) and the chess pieces (link). Of course, feel free to check out my deviantart any time. the link is just at the right side of my blog :)
wow..totally enjoy to read your stuff!also for your job...better times will come ;-)
you sound really nice to me so haha :-)
@arti19: hey man. thanks :) really appreciate it
I just Enjoy your article ,your job is not bad , I like it
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