Friday, February 19, 2010

Be Patient

I am in the middle of the school term and so far... I can't say. It is getting harder everyday. Well, I am not liking my philosophy class because there are just too many info to memorize for the next quiz. I don't know how well I'm going to do for the next quiz and I don't know how well I did the last quiz. Let's pray that everything is going to be fine.

Enough about that, let's talk about other things like art updates. As usual, I told you I was busy with thesis and it is now becoming a little tiring. I uploaded some of the things I did for it. If you are following my deviant I uploaded these weeks ago (here and here). And of course, valentines was last week, I had to do a little art for it here. It's really quite simple. I don't have tablet so it has a lot of flaws. I also did a sideline for some people. They wanted me to do a video edit. Compiled, edited and exported in Adobe Premiere and I also used Adobe AfterEffects for some of the effects. Too bad I can't upload it. Well, I'll just keep it for reference. I like these kinds of work.. I like variations too keep me interested.

I still cannot study 3d because of my schedule. When I have the time, I will. I am also planning on changing the banner for this site and again, when the time permits, I will. So many things to do, so little time. Bear with me.

I'm a free-lace artist. If you like my art, you can contact me through my gmail which is: or reply here in my blog. :D

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